Saturday, July 2, 2016


I am always carried away by scenes of hay-baling, chickens pecking the ground, big pots aboil on the stove, and other scenes of domestic bliss.  I realize that it is hard work this, and I wouldn't like it much most likely.  But I do remember working hard in Summer at this or that around our little tract house as a kid and how good it felt it to finally sit and rest in the shade with a glass of ice cold lemonade or tea.  There is a satisfaction achieved that can be found nowhere else.  I still work around my home, doing daily chores, but nothing too strenuous or physically demanding....and good thing, because i'm no Spring chicken anymore.  I find true wisdom in knowing my limitations.

But Summer's here and while I generally abhor the season, this year is different.  Perhaps because I sense the ones left are numbered.  Hopefully many, many more, but one never knows.  So I watch as my love mows the lawns, back and forth, back and forth....key word being "watch."  ;)  I open up windows all through the house as the heat of the day gives way to the coolness of evening, and then close it all back up when the sun lets me know it's time in the morning.  But this year, the grievance is gone.  I'm no longer mad at Summer, bringing such horrid heat that it takes my breath away when I step outside.  I am actually enjoying it.  My pup lays out in the heat of the sun on the hot concrete absorbing the warmth into her little bones, ultimately returning, tongue hanging out and many laps at the water dish, to retire atop the orange chair by the air-conditioner.  :)

The seasons change, people we love come and go.  It has been a battle hard fought, and I'm not there yet, but i'm closer, at releasing my loved ones totally into His hands and trusting that I will see them again one day in Heaven.  This is hard for us moms.  When it comes to our kids, we can leave nothing to chance, until I realize I would be robbing them of their intimacy with the God that loves them fiercely, perfectly, more than I do.  So I will proceed with the changing seasons, appreciate each one for what it offers and hold my little goslings up in prayer, trusting, hoping.  I Corinthians in my bones for these souls that are bound with mine.

And all the while, the learning, the pondering, the perplexing, the loving, there is this man by my side.  He does not always understand me, he gets it wrong sometimes, so do I, but he's there, he doesn't leave.  And when I call out to him, he comes, every time.  I suppose that it's true, you don't really know your marital mettle until hard times hit, whatever that entails.  They've hit, he stands firm, loves me faithfully, tries to help me.  We have hurt each other, but come out the other side.  The hurting was never intentional and apologized for with our hearts. 

I am still learning that no one is perfect but One.  And He is the covering for us all.  What safety there is in that.  Romans 8:28 is the bottom line for everything.  Even when human will gets in the way, He will use it for good. 

So as July 4th approaches, I am hoping to celebrate in fine American fashion, BBQ'ing in the driveway and pulling up chairs and a cooler to watch the fireworks from our front yard, grateful for my loved ones, those present, those not.  Always knowing that in every season God is still in control and loves us beyond measure.

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