Monday, December 15, 2014

Advent: Joy

After listening to Ann Voskamp's video on the third candle of Advent, the candle for joy, and how God takes impossible situations and makes a way, I had to write from a heart overflowing with gratitude.

In my life, with God:
impossible barrenness was changed to 2 beautiful children
heartbreak and abandonment was changed to the romance and love of a lifetime
poverty was changed to "enough"
extended unemployment was changed to a job and all it provides

And above all, a death sentence was cancelled and eternal life was gifted.

When I think of the babe in the manger, I think of every brokenhearted soul feeling without hope, of every addict feeling trapped and hopeless, of wars and man's cruelty to one another, poverty, sex trafficking....all wounded hearts in the world, and the answer to it all wrapped up in a little baby that came to die for us all.  And that gives me joy.

As I lit the Joy Candle this morning, my heart is indeed filled with joy.  At this moment, I have so much to be thankful for, there can't help but be joy.  There have been many, many years when there was little to be joyful over....but Christ, which is indeed, enough.  But this year, there are added blessings that bring joy to my heart.  In this season, I am aware of so much.  I am so very happy to wake up in our little home every day, so blessed to have a yard and good neighbors.  I have had the surgery I dreaded and am healing.  We returned last night from a truly wonderful weekend visiting with friends and family, such a blessing to my soul.  I got to meet a friend face to face that i've only known through Facebook, what  My son called from minimum security prison as opposed to medium, he sounds so much  Seeing loved ones, sharing, 

So as I continue to heal, move through my life, I look over at the candles.....Hope, Peace, and now Joy, how can I not fall on my knees before a God that loves us so much, who came to save us and didn't stop there, but watches over us with such tenderness.  This is irresistible love.

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